9 Tips on how to Prepare for a Phone Interview

Phone interviews are a way for clients to become familiar with your qualifications, personality, and communication skills. Make sure you are prepared!

  1. Match Your Qualifications – Review the job description and create a list of how your qualifications match the hiring criteria.
  2. Research the Job and the Company – The more prepared you are for the interview, the smoother it will go.
  3. Prepare for Standard Questions – Review answers to typical phone interview questions and think about how you will respond.
  4. Turn Off Call Waiting – If you have call waiting, turn it off. The beep can be distracting.
  5. Free Yourself of Distractions – Interview in a private, quiet space. Make sure the rest of the household does not interfere.
  6. Have a Glass of Water Nearby – There’s nothing worse than having a tickle in your throat or a cough when you need to respond.
  7. Listen and Enunciate – Listen to the question, and ask for clarification if needed. Speak slowly and clearly. Take a few seconds to compose your thoughts before answering.
  8. Pay Attention to Body Language – This might sound strange, but your body language matters even on a phone interview. Focus on the interviewer and smile.
  9. Have Questions Ready – Be prepared to respond when the interviewer asks whether you have any questions.