Get Down to Business – Interview Part 2

Now that you have made a great first impression, it’s time to get down to the position details and how you will be a great fit and benefit the organization….

Listen.  Think.  Respond – Be thoughtful in your responses and follow up questions.

  • Listen. This is probably the most important ability of all.  Concentrate not only on the employer’s words but also the tone of voice and body language. This will help you pick up on their style.  Once you have an understanding of this, pattern your answers accordingly and you will better relate to him or her.
  • Be sure you answer the questions asked.  If the questions are vague, get the      interviewer to be more specific and then respond.  Try to avoid simple “yes” or “no” answers.  Explain whenever possible.
  • Relate your background to the job position. Cover the hot buttons and key words of the interviewer and learn to deal with talking about your weaknesses – we all have them.
  • Be thorough in your answer and be sure not to get long winded or off track in your answer. 
  • Speak at an average volume.  Not too soft and not too loud. We sometimes have difficulty controlling our volume when we are nervous or excited.   

Things not to do…

  • NEVER lie or bad-mouth any former or current employer/employee.
  • NEVER drink alcohol at any meal.
  • NEVER become overly friendly/comfortable/informal with interviewer.
  • NEVER talk too much (remember the 50/50 Rule).
  • NEVER lose your composure.
  • NEVER interrupt the other person
  • NEVER bring up the subject of $$$$$$.  Let the interviewer do that.
  • NEVER talk about yourself in the 3rd person


Be organized with your thoughts and go into the interview with a list of strategic questions.  Get the interviewer to describe the position and responsibilities early on in the conversation so you can relate your skills and background to the position throughout the interview.

Next… Follow up questions and closing the deal!

Contributed by: – Rick Forrest, Senior Technical Recruiter