Duke partnering with VA to help NC Vets!

Partnering with Duke University’s Evidenced Based Practice Implementation Center (Duke EPIC), the N.C. Division of Veterans Affairs will focus on increasing access to mental health services for vets and military families.

Duke EPIC works closely with the Durham VA Medical Center to create “a single point of entry for veterans seeking mental healthcare.” This program has benefited veterans with greater access to services and shorter wait times. “We train community providers to serve military families,” Goetz said. “This gives veterans choices about where they seek care. The more qualified and available our community mental health providers are, the more likely veterans and military families may be to seek help with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and other unique challenges.”

Read the full story here… http://www.heraldsun.com/news/showcase/x219725376/Duke-state-VA-ally-to-support-veterans


