Mastering Sleeping While In-flight Part 3
There is a lot to be said for getting in the right state of mind. If sleeping on the plane is a necessity, not just something to try and pass the time, then make sleeping the only focus and goal. For a Red Eye or long flight, how about practicing your normal bedtime routine once in the air? Put on sweatpants or PJ pants, brush your teeth, take out your contacts, and read a little. Do not watch a show, read extensively, or provide any distraction from the goal – SLEEP. Set an alarm to go off 30-40 minute before you land so you have enough time to change and freshen up.
One article even suggested practicing Nostril Breathing, a yoga-esk, somewhat meditative style of breathing, which can relax your body and make it easier to sleep. Counting sheep or counting backwards from 100 might be more your style. Mike Lavin, president of European Sleep Works, suggests slowing your breathing to four to six breaths per minute to facilitate the rhythm of sleep.
I always wonder… Why is it that I can sleep in a car without any problems, but I find it impossible to sleep on a plane? They are both similar in their physical uncomfortable space, so what’s the difference? Sensory overload! Babies crying, people walking in the aisles, overhead announcements, a new environment, the smells on the plane, the stress of traveling, and anticipation of your trip all overload our senses. When we’re in a car there are far fewer distractions. The best way to overcome the distractions is to block them out. Try this Relaxation aid app.
Next week…Accessories to make it just a little bit easier
Contributed by: Katie Stewart, Consultant Services Coordinator