Do you know that TSA has started a PreCheck Program?

How about avoiding the long airport security lines? This program can definitely come in handy for all of you Frequent Travelers. The benefits are available when flying any one of the 11 TSA PreCheck eligible airlines .  Some of the perks included in this program are:

  • Quicker transit through airport security screening (yes you still need to go through Security)
  • Faster moving lines
  • Improved travel experience

Along with no removal of:

  • Belt
  • Shoes
  • Light outerwear/jacket
  • 3-1-1 compliant bag and laptop from carry-on

In order to become eligible you will need to go through the TSA PreCheck Application Program. The details can be found at The application process includes going into an application center, providing specific personal documentation, having your fingerprints taken, and paying an $85 processing fee. Once through the approval process, you will receive a Known Traveler Number (KTN) within 2-3 weeks.

When booking your flights on any of the 11 participating airlines, you will need to enter your KTN number, or the number can be entered into your frequent flyer profile so that it automatically uploads to the boarding pass. Your PreCheck status will appear on your boarding pass, allowing you access to the shorter lines and other program benefits. If you would like to find the location nearest you, here is the link to the enrollment center locator:

Have you gone through the TSA PreCheck Application process? How was it? We’d love to hear!

Contributed by: Katie Stewart, Consultant Services Coordinator